• Seda Baghdasari

    Date posted: September 20, 2010 Author: jolanta

    I am inspired by the natural world, humanity with all its’ beauty and mystery.

    I am inspired by the natural world, humanity with all its’ beauty and mystery.

    Sometimes it is effortless, like the miracle of light and shadow, sparkle of waves or fog in the trees in the landscape. Other times it is an intentional quest to capture the glory in a far corner of the earth, or find the true essence of a person I am trying to convey.

    My methods are simple: Be present and observe, work fast to savor the moment, aiming to echo and portray the wonder with brush or lens.  I capture in oils on Canvas what I find- the beauty in the world.

    In “Portraits of the Soul”, I seek to represent the human paradox. Its’ hopes and aspirations, its’ accomplishments and fears; the innocence in the inquiring eyes of a child, or the gentle pride and wisdom in the crevices of a grandmothers skin. These manifestations move and transform us beyond the physical to the innermost particles of existence. The Wonder of Spirit.

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