Gallery Shchukin, New York, is pleased to present “Insight Out”, a new exhibition by Matthias Alfen. Matthias Alfen’s work often plays with the human understanding of time as space. The time of our life—is like the space of a path, each moment a step… the entire life: a journey. We use many of the same words to show position as both spacial and temporal. In the time/space of our imaginations, the past is behind us; it is filled with memories; the present is a good spot to be in, and arena for choices, a vantage point to look back and foreward; the future waits in front of us, a positive potential, an expanse of possibility. And yet, time is not like concrete space. While you may know a space, like your house or a soccer field, because you can move confidently through it, the only evidence we have of either past events or future potentials, are constructs in the now, our active perception of the present. Time is not space but imagination. And anything—like a sculpture or a painting—in our present experience that seems strange, distorted, unusual, or arresting is telling us something about our memories, our preconceptions, and our expectations.
Opening reception of “Insight Out” solo show will be held on Thursday, March 10, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM.
Address: 144 5th Avenue, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10011